Pada posting yang telah lalu, tepatnya pada url
'){ r += 2; if(ai){print_newline()} return ['-->','TK_COMMENT'] } if(in_array(c,q)){ while(r < d.length && in_array(c + d.charAt(r),q)){ c += d.charAt(r); r += 1; if(r >= d.length){break} } return [c,'TK_OPERATOR'] } return [c,'TK_UNKNOWN'] } m = ''; while(ad > 0){m += ae;ad -= 1} ac = af; d = a; j = ''; g = 'TK_START_EXPR'; h = ''; e = []; y = false; z = false; aa = false; o = "\n\r\t ".split(''); p = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_$'.split(''); v = '0123456789'.split(''); q = '+ - * / % & ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= == === != !== > < >= <= >> << >>> >>>= >>= <<= && &= | || ! !! ,: ? ^ ^= |= ::'.split(' '); s = 'continue,try,throw,return,var,if,switch,case,default,for,while,break,function'.split(','); k = 'BLOCK'; l = [k]; r = 0; u = false; while(true){ var t = get_next_token(r); f = t[0]; x = t[1]; if(x === 'TK_EOF'){break} switch(x){ case 'TK_START_EXPR': z = false; set_mode('EXPRESSION'); if(h === ';'){ print_newline() }else if(g === 'TK_END_EXPR' || g === 'TK_START_EXPR'){}else if(g !== 'TK_WORD' && g !== 'TK_OPERATOR'){ print_space() }else if(in_array(j,s)){ print_space() } print_token(); break; case 'TK_END_EXPR': print_token(); restore_mode(); break; case 'TK_START_BLOCK': if(j === 'do'){set_mode('DO_BLOCK')}else{set_mode('BLOCK')} if(g !== 'TK_OPERATOR' && g !== 'TK_START_EXPR'){if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK'){print_newline()}else{print_space()}} print_token(); indent(); break; case 'TK_END_BLOCK': if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK'){trim_output();unindent()}else{unindent();print_newline()} print_token(); restore_mode(); break; case 'TK_WORD': if(y){print_space();print_token();print_space();y = false;break} if(f === 'case' || f === 'default'){ if(h === ':'){remove_indent()}else{unindent();print_newline();indent()} print_token(); u = true; break } w = 'NONE'; if(g === 'TK_END_BLOCK'){ if(!in_array(f.toLowerCase(),['else','catch','finally'])){w = 'NEWLINE'}else{w = 'SPACE';print_space()} }else if(g === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && (k === 'BLOCK' || k === 'DO_BLOCK')){w = 'NEWLINE' }else if(g === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && k === 'EXPRESSION'){w = 'SPACE' }else if(g === 'TK_STRING'){w = 'NEWLINE' }else if(g === 'TK_WORD'){w = 'SPACE' }else if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK'){w = 'NEWLINE' }else if(g === 'TK_END_EXPR'){ print_space(); w = 'NEWLINE' } if(g !== 'TK_END_BLOCK' && in_array(f.toLowerCase(),['else','catch','finally'])){ print_newline() }else if(in_array(f,s) || w === 'NEWLINE'){ if(h === 'else'){ print_space() }else if((g === 'TK_START_EXPR' || h === '=' || h === ',') && f === 'function'){}else if(g === 'TK_WORD' && (h === 'return' || h === 'throw')){ print_space() }else if(g !== 'TK_END_EXPR'){ if((g !== 'TK_START_EXPR' || f !== 'var') && h !== ':'){ if(f === 'if' && g === 'TK_WORD' && j === 'else'){print_space()}else{print_newline()} } }else{ if(in_array(f,s) && h !== ')'){print_newline()} } }else if(w === 'SPACE'){ print_space() } print_token(); j = f; if(f === 'var'){z = true;aa = false} if(f === 'if' || f === 'else'){ab = true} break; case 'TK_SEMICOLON': print_token(); z = false; break; case 'TK_STRING': if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK' || g === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || g === 'TK_SEMICOLON'){print_newline()}else if(g === 'TK_WORD'){print_space()} print_token(); break; case 'TK_OPERATOR': var ap = true; var aq = true; if(z && f !== ','){aa = true;if(f === ':'){z = false}} if(z && f === ',' && k === 'EXPRESSION'){aa = false} if(f === ':' && u){print_token();print_newline();break} if(f === '::'){print_token();break} u = false; if(f === ','){ if(z){ if(aa){print_token();print_newline();aa = false}else{print_token();print_space()} }else if(g === 'TK_END_BLOCK'){ print_token(); print_newline() }else{ if(k === 'BLOCK'){print_token();print_newline()}else{print_token();print_space()} } break }else if(f === '--' || f === '++'){ if(h === ';'){ap = true;aq = false}else{ap = false;aq = false} }else if(f === '!' && g === 'TK_START_EXPR'){ ap = false; aq = false }else if(g === 'TK_OPERATOR'){ ap = false; aq = false }else if(g === 'TK_END_EXPR'){ ap = true; aq = true }else if(f === '.'){ ap = false; aq = false }else if(f === ':'){ if(h.match(/^\d+$/)){ap = true}else{ap = false} } if(ap){print_space()} print_token(); if(aq){print_space()} break; case 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT': print_newline();print_token();print_newline(); break; case 'TK_COMMENT': print_space();print_token();print_newline(); break; case 'TK_UNKNOWN': print_token(); break } g = x; h = f } var ar = e.join('').replace(/\n+$/,''); return ar } function C(m){ var r,re = false; var fn = (m.match(/(^|\n|\W|\s|[,;])([_\$a-z1-9]+)=function\(i\)\{return (?:_d|document)\.getElementById\(i\)\}/i) || [])[2]; if(fn){ re = fn + "=function\\(i\\)\\{return (?:_d|document)\\.getElementById\\(i\\)\\}"; r = new RegExp(re,"gi"); m = m.replace(r,""); re = "([^-.a-z1-9_])(" + fn + "\\()"; r = new RegExp(re,"g"); m = m.replace(r,"$1document.getElementById("); } //my compressor always put this line at top! so safe to replace if(/^var _w=window,_n=navigator,_d=document;\n/.test(m)){ m = m.replace(/^var _w=window,_n=navigator,_d=document;\n/,""); m = m.replace(/(^|[\s,\|&;\?\:\!=\[\(\{\)\}\+\#])(_n)(\W|$)/g,"$1navigator$3"); m = m.replace(/(^|[\s,\|&;\?\:\!=\[\(\{\)\}\+\#])(_d)(\W|$)/g,"$1document$3"); m = m.replace(/(^|[\s,\|&;\?\:\!=\[\(\{\)\}\+\#])(_w)(\W|$)/g,"$1window$3"); } return m; }
--> Cara unpack code javascript dalam bahasa kita cara membuka kode script yang terkunci (kode javascript) adalah masukkan kode script yang akan di unpack kedalam kolom tool diatas. Contoh kode script : telah jelaskan tentang fungsi ucpack. Mungkin bisa sedikit kita ulangi fungsi unpack adalah
- Untuk membuka kode script yang sengaja di packed / dikemas agar pengguna tidak mengubah kode script tersebut, karena biasanya pada kode script yang di pack terdapat sebuah link tatutan yang sengaja di letakkan.
- Untuk melihat kembali kode script yang telah kita packed
Masukkan kode script
'){ r += 2; if(ai){print_newline()} return ['-->','TK_COMMENT'] } if(in_array(c,q)){ while(r < d.length && in_array(c + d.charAt(r),q)){ c += d.charAt(r); r += 1; if(r >= d.length){break} } return [c,'TK_OPERATOR'] } return [c,'TK_UNKNOWN'] } m = ''; while(ad > 0){m += ae;ad -= 1} ac = af; d = a; j = ''; g = 'TK_START_EXPR'; h = ''; e = []; y = false; z = false; aa = false; o = "\n\r\t ".split(''); p = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_$'.split(''); v = '0123456789'.split(''); q = '+ - * / % & ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= == === != !== > < >= <= >> << >>> >>>= >>= <<= && &= | || ! !! ,: ? ^ ^= |= ::'.split(' '); s = 'continue,try,throw,return,var,if,switch,case,default,for,while,break,function'.split(','); k = 'BLOCK'; l = [k]; r = 0; u = false; while(true){ var t = get_next_token(r); f = t[0]; x = t[1]; if(x === 'TK_EOF'){break} switch(x){ case 'TK_START_EXPR': z = false; set_mode('EXPRESSION'); if(h === ';'){ print_newline() }else if(g === 'TK_END_EXPR' || g === 'TK_START_EXPR'){}else if(g !== 'TK_WORD' && g !== 'TK_OPERATOR'){ print_space() }else if(in_array(j,s)){ print_space() } print_token(); break; case 'TK_END_EXPR': print_token(); restore_mode(); break; case 'TK_START_BLOCK': if(j === 'do'){set_mode('DO_BLOCK')}else{set_mode('BLOCK')} if(g !== 'TK_OPERATOR' && g !== 'TK_START_EXPR'){if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK'){print_newline()}else{print_space()}} print_token(); indent(); break; case 'TK_END_BLOCK': if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK'){trim_output();unindent()}else{unindent();print_newline()} print_token(); restore_mode(); break; case 'TK_WORD': if(y){print_space();print_token();print_space();y = false;break} if(f === 'case' || f === 'default'){ if(h === ':'){remove_indent()}else{unindent();print_newline();indent()} print_token(); u = true; break } w = 'NONE'; if(g === 'TK_END_BLOCK'){ if(!in_array(f.toLowerCase(),['else','catch','finally'])){w = 'NEWLINE'}else{w = 'SPACE';print_space()} }else if(g === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && (k === 'BLOCK' || k === 'DO_BLOCK')){w = 'NEWLINE' }else if(g === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && k === 'EXPRESSION'){w = 'SPACE' }else if(g === 'TK_STRING'){w = 'NEWLINE' }else if(g === 'TK_WORD'){w = 'SPACE' }else if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK'){w = 'NEWLINE' }else if(g === 'TK_END_EXPR'){ print_space(); w = 'NEWLINE' } if(g !== 'TK_END_BLOCK' && in_array(f.toLowerCase(),['else','catch','finally'])){ print_newline() }else if(in_array(f,s) || w === 'NEWLINE'){ if(h === 'else'){ print_space() }else if((g === 'TK_START_EXPR' || h === '=' || h === ',') && f === 'function'){}else if(g === 'TK_WORD' && (h === 'return' || h === 'throw')){ print_space() }else if(g !== 'TK_END_EXPR'){ if((g !== 'TK_START_EXPR' || f !== 'var') && h !== ':'){ if(f === 'if' && g === 'TK_WORD' && j === 'else'){print_space()}else{print_newline()} } }else{ if(in_array(f,s) && h !== ')'){print_newline()} } }else if(w === 'SPACE'){ print_space() } print_token(); j = f; if(f === 'var'){z = true;aa = false} if(f === 'if' || f === 'else'){ab = true} break; case 'TK_SEMICOLON': print_token(); z = false; break; case 'TK_STRING': if(g === 'TK_START_BLOCK' || g === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || g === 'TK_SEMICOLON'){print_newline()}else if(g === 'TK_WORD'){print_space()} print_token(); break; case 'TK_OPERATOR': var ap = true; var aq = true; if(z && f !== ','){aa = true;if(f === ':'){z = false}} if(z && f === ',' && k === 'EXPRESSION'){aa = false} if(f === ':' && u){print_token();print_newline();break} if(f === '::'){print_token();break} u = false; if(f === ','){ if(z){ if(aa){print_token();print_newline();aa = false}else{print_token();print_space()} }else if(g === 'TK_END_BLOCK'){ print_token(); print_newline() }else{ if(k === 'BLOCK'){print_token();print_newline()}else{print_token();print_space()} } break }else if(f === '--' || f === '++'){ if(h === ';'){ap = true;aq = false}else{ap = false;aq = false} }else if(f === '!' && g === 'TK_START_EXPR'){ ap = false; aq = false }else if(g === 'TK_OPERATOR'){ ap = false; aq = false }else if(g === 'TK_END_EXPR'){ ap = true; aq = true }else if(f === '.'){ ap = false; aq = false }else if(f === ':'){ if(h.match(/^\d+$/)){ap = true}else{ap = false} } if(ap){print_space()} print_token(); if(aq){print_space()} break; case 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT': print_newline();print_token();print_newline(); break; case 'TK_COMMENT': print_space();print_token();print_newline(); break; case 'TK_UNKNOWN': print_token(); break } g = x; h = f } var ar = e.join('').replace(/\n+$/,''); return ar } function C(m){ var r,re = false; var fn = (m.match(/(^|\n|\W|\s|[,;])([_\$a-z1-9]+)=function\(i\)\{return (?:_d|document)\.getElementById\(i\)\}/i) || [])[2]; if(fn){ re = fn + "=function\\(i\\)\\{return (?:_d|document)\\.getElementById\\(i\\)\\}"; r = new RegExp(re,"gi"); m = m.replace(r,""); re = "([^-.a-z1-9_])(" + fn + "\\()"; r = new RegExp(re,"g"); m = m.replace(r,"$1document.getElementById("); } //my compressor always put this line at top! so safe to replace if(/^var _w=window,_n=navigator,_d=document;\n/.test(m)){ m = m.replace(/^var _w=window,_n=navigator,_d=document;\n/,""); m = m.replace(/(^|[\s,\|&;\?\:\!=\[\(\{\)\}\+\#])(_n)(\W|$)/g,"$1navigator$3"); m = m.replace(/(^|[\s,\|&;\?\:\!=\[\(\{\)\}\+\#])(_d)(\W|$)/g,"$1document$3"); m = m.replace(/(^|[\s,\|&;\?\:\!=\[\(\{\)\}\+\#])(_w)(\W|$)/g,"$1window$3"); } return m; }
--> Cara unpack code javascript dalam bahasa kita cara membuka kode script yang terkunci (kode javascript) adalah masukkan kode script yang akan di unpack kedalam kolom tool diatas. Contoh kode script :
<script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('$(b).c(1(){2 6=$('#3').d().7;2 4=1(){2 5=$(8).5();e(5>6){$('#3').9({'a':'f','7':0,'g-h':i,'j':'k',})}l{$('#3').9({'a':'m'})}};4();$(8).n(1(){4()})});',24,24,'|function|var|navigasiceb|stickyNav|scrollTop|stickyNavTop|top|window|css|position|document|ready|offset|if|fixed|z|index|9999|width|inherit|else|relative|scroll'.split('|'),0,{})) //]]> </script>Maka yang kode yang di masukkan adalah :
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('$(b).c(1(){2 6=$('#3').d().7;2 4=1(){2 5=$(8).5();e(5>6){$('#3').9({'a':'f','7':0,'g-h':i,'j':'k',})}l{$('#3').9({'a':'m'})}};4();$(8).n(1(){4()})});',24,24,'|function|var|navigasiceb|stickyNav|scrollTop|stickyNavTop|top|window|css|position|document|ready|offset|if|fixed|z|index|9999|width|inherit|else|relative|scroll'.split('|'),0,{}))Setelah itu lanjutkan dengan klik Unpack
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Maaf. Jangan letak link aktif ya